1850 U.S. Lynns, Linns, etc., Born in Europe


Important Note:  Given the scarcity of R-U198 Lynns, etc. among those men who've been Y-DNA-tested, and the large number of Lynns, etc. belonging to unrelated haplogroups, it should not be assumed that any particular person in these census extracts is R-U198.  To the contrary, the great majority of people in these extracts definitely are not R-U198, and therefore are unrelated to any of us.  These extracts are provided for interest and for the potential benefit, small though it may be, to R-U198 Lynns whose ancestors were in the U.S. in 1850 but have eluded them in census searches.  See also, Note 8 in the introduction to extracts for either England and Wales or Scotland and Note 10 for Ireland.

England and Wales       Scotland Ireland      Continental Europe
