© 2011, 2021 John Sloan and Loretta (Lynn) Layman
R-U198 is a haplogroup within the huge R1b super-haplogroup that is ubiquitous
in Western Europe. R-U198 is much less common, generally comprising as
little as 2% - 3% of the male population in the countries
where it is most
prevalent, such as the United Kingdom.
R-U198 may in turn be subdivided. The Lynns belong to R-DF89, which is a
significant branch of R-U198. However, they do not belong to R-DF89's
sub-group, which we call "type G". We have therefore used the
appropriate modal values for the first line ("R-U198: DF89 excl. type G") in this chart of DNA results for comparison with
our Lynns.
Lynn vs. Flynn:
The lack of R-U198 in Gaelic populations, and particularly its absence
among those Flynns who have had Y-DNA tests, together evidence the fact
that R-U198 Lynns did not derive their surname from Flynn / O'Flynn. This finding is compatible with the paper trails for certain R-U198 Lynns being Ulster Scots, some with a known Presbyterian history in Ulster. |
Color Key . . . |
R-U198 Lynn “Motif” : |
Other Putative Ancestral Lynn Values (all on the previous page). We believe these may also be the R-U198 Lynn ancestral values at these markers but do not suggest viewing them as part of the Lynn Motif at present.1/ | ||
1st new line within the R-U198 Lynn family : DYS393 (previous page).2/ |
2nd new line within the R-U198 Lynn family : CDYa-b and DYS444 (both, previous page) and DYS540 (this page). |
3rd new line within the R-U198 Lynn family : DYS534 (previous page). |
4th new line within the R-U198 Lynn family : YCAiia-b (previous page); see also, footnote 3/ to the chart on that page. |
"Chaff" (i.e., unhelpful sporadic mutations) : Some chaff mutations clearly happened only in recent generations and do not reflect common ancestry. |
The word "line" as used here is not meant to imply a direct lineage in
the genealogical sense but instead indicates that everyone in a
particular new line shares a common ancestor more
Sources : Lynn DNA project: https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Lynn-Linn-Lynd-Lind?iframe=yresults Flynn DNA project: https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Flynn?iframe=yresults R-U198 project: https://www.familytreedna.com/public/U198/default.aspx?section=ycolorized - Find "Lynn" |